Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26 - My Dad's Birthday

Today would have been my father's 80th birthday. He's been gone for nine years now but I still miss him so much. I'm thinking of you today Dad. I remember happy times together and the funny stories you would tell. I remember how you brushed my hair every night as we sat and watched tv together. I remember you quietly sneaking into my room to check on me when I was sick. You always made me feel safe. loved and special. As far as I'm concerned, I had the best Dad ever. I love you very much!


I spent some time over the weekend helping with a clean up day at one of our local YWCA Child Development Centers. It only took two hours of my time and I got so much in return. I met some great people, helped organize a resource room, and had a lot of fun. Volunteering is one of my top priorities this year. I want to give not only my money but my time to causes and organizations that I believe in.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Changing With The Seasons

I love the changing of the seasons and just as the seasons change I like to change right along with them. Yesterday was the first day of spring, a time of beginnings. I was thinking about some new things I can begin in my life.

As far as something I can add to my daily routine I've decided on meditation. Meditation isn't exactly new to me but I have only done it on occasion not on a regular basis. I'm excited about adding this practice to my daily routine. I will also be looking for other beneficial and creative ideas I can add to my life.

And of course, what's spring without a little spring cleaning! I love going through my house each spring and clearing out what is no longer needed or useful in my experience. It's a very invigorating process. I've found that clearing out the old makes way for the new. It feels good to go through my old clothes and household items and remove the things I'm no longer using because I can then pass those items on to people who could really benefit from them. I'll be doing my spring cleaning this week. There are a lot of things I'm ready to let go of and there's no time like the present to do it and make way for the new to come in.